Iron-filled PLA as a transformer core
Iron-filled PLA as a transformer core

I bought a spool of Protopasta iron-filled PLA to test in a project where I need to fit a flyback transformer into a confined space. The prototype will likely be 3D-printed in PLA plastic and contain some moving parts wrapped in magnetic wire for power transfer.

For optimal performance, flyback transformers are generally wound around a ferrite core, which has high magnetic properties but low conductivity to reduce eddy currents.

Hotfixing ZipInputStream
Hotfixing ZipInputStream

This bug is fixed in Java 23u10

I came across an apparent bug in where reading a certain type of zip file causes an exception: invalid entry size (expected 0 but got 199 bytes)

The file in question reads fine using archiving utilities and Java’s ZipFile, so the issue is likely rooted in ZipInputStream. My application requires reading the zip file sequentially, so ZipInputStream is my only option besides a third-party library. I decided to search for a solution using vanilla Java rather than pulling in a new dependency.

HTTP Cheatsheet

This post will be continuously updated with useful commands related to HTTP.

Python3 HTTP Server

Launches an HTTP server in the current directory for serving files

1python3 -m http.server [port]

cURL - Post Multipart Form

Post two files

1curl -X POST -F "file1=@file1.png" -F "file2=@file2.png" --no-buffer
Quirky Gem III Puzzle
Quirky Gem III Puzzle

Quirky Gem III Puzzle

Quirky Gem II Puzzle
Quirky Gem II Puzzle

Quirky Gem II Puzzle

Quirky Gem I Puzzle
Quirky Gem I Puzzle

Quirky Gem I Puzzle

CTM Puzzle
Gyrobifastigium Puzzle
Gyrobifastigium Puzzle

Gyrobifastigium puzzle

CRDM Puzzle